Join Us At North Sails Detroit For Education & Fun

Building on the HUGE success of last Winter's Seminar Series, North Sails Detroit is pleased to announce this years Winter Series. All events are free except Feb 15th's full day seminar.
Dec 18th at 7pm | "Team Building" with North Sails Expert Skip Dieball
What can you do to build a successful team on and off the water? Skip Dieball has been a member of the North Sails team since 1997. He has been active in one-design and offshore sailing his entire life, and has won multiple National and World Championships, including the 2015 Etchells Worlds. This past Summer Skip represented USA at the Pan Am Games in the Lightning Class.
Jan 29th at 7pm | T-minus 6 months with Bruce Burton
"The Countdown to Tokyo"- Bruce Burton is a former President of US Sailing and is currently the Chair of the US Olympic Sailing Committee. Bruce will be talking about all the work that the Committee and Athletes have done in this cycle as well as the remaining lead up to the Tokyo Games.
Feb 14th at 7pm | An introduction to Expedition with Peter Isler and Bill Gladstone
An introductory look at all the "Bell's and Whistles" of Expedition Software. Peter Isler in Detroit teaching Expedition. Geared toward experienced and aspiring Expedition users, Peter Isler will lead a full day program to bring your Expedition skills to the next level. Peter is an Internationally renowned sailor, motivational speaker and author, Peter Isler has parlayed his love of sailing into a career. Inextricable from the America’s Cup since winning it as navigator aboard Dennis Conner’s Stars & Stripes in Australia in 1987. In all he has sailed in five Cup campaigns (most recently with the BMW Oracle Racing Team in Valencia, Spain), winning it twice.
Feb 15th at 8am | Expedition Users Seminar with Peter Isler and Bill Gladstone
One Day, Live,
Peter Isler in Detroit teaching Expedition. Geared toward experienced and aspiring Expedition users, Peter Isler will lead a full day program to bring your Expedition skills to the next level. Peter is an Internationally renowned sailor, motivational speaker and author, Peter Isler has parlayed his love of sailing into a career. Inextricable from the America’s Cup since winning it as navigator aboard Dennis Conner’s Stars & Stripes in Australia in 1987. In all he has sailed in five Cup campaigns (most recently with the BMW Oracle Racing Team in Valencia, Spain), winning it twice.This will be a full day Paid Seminar presented by North U. For more information and to register
March 19th at 7pm | Epoxy Tips and Techniques with North Sails Rep Joe Parker ** CANCELLED **
Successful use of WEST SYSTEM Epoxy products is easy when you follow some basic rules. We will discuss basic epoxy use, applications and safety. Joe will include strategies for success in all weather conditions and some secrets the pros use every day to build and repair boats. Joe Parker has been in the marine industry for 40 years; 25 of those years working for Gougeon Brothers Inc, makers of WEST SYSTEM Epoxy. Joe retired from GBI in 2014, but is still operating Bay Boat Works and is the Saginaw Bay Sails Rep for North Sails.
April 8th at 7pm | Long Distance Race Strategy with North Sails Expert Perry Lewis ** CANCELLED **
Perry Lewis is a 40-year veteran of North Sails Chicago. His race trophies include a dozen national and North American championships, and another dozen overall Mackinac race wins. Perry will be talking about how he goes about preparing his strategy for distance racing.
May 6th at 7pm | Managing and Maintaining your Sail Inventory with North Sails Experts Bill Lesnick, Mike Stark and Spencer Colpaert
North Sails Detroit Team headed by Bill Lesnek a 40-year veteran of sailmaking and repairs shows you the best practices to maintain and grow your sail inventory both on and off the water, and what you need to do it.