North 3Di RACE helps Swedish Fareast 28R team prepare for the Worlds

This August, Malmö, Sweden will welcome thirty teams from ten countries for the first-ever Fareast 28R World Championship.
Göran Wiking is hoping to place in the top half of the event, which takes place at his home club in Malmö. He sails with good friends who “find sailing and racing very fun,” and together they cruised and raced an X-119 until moving to the 28R almost a year ago.
In preparation for such a big regatta, Göran invested in new North 3Di RACE sails. Designed for boats under 40 feet, 3Di RACE delivers optimized performance through wide wind ranges. “We had a 3Di genoa on our X-119,” Göran explains. “I found it excellent, both in form and in endurance, so when we needed new sails for the Fareast 28R it was an easy choice.”
“So far we have used the new 3Di for four days of racing,” Göran continues. “The form is excellent.” North Sails 3Di RACE is built with super-thin structural fibers that are laid out along the load path direction in multiple orientations and layers and then molded into a single balanced membrane. This construction method spreads the loads more evenly than a “string” sail, which means each sail maintains a consistent design shape up the wind range. Or as Göran puts it, “It keeps the form up in the wind register and is easy to trim.”
The other advantages of 3Di RACE are easier handling and flaking and a longer competitive lifespan. “We are very satisfied with them,” Göran says.
For more about the Fareast 28R World Championship, visit the event website. http://fareast28r.com/world-championship-2017/entrylist/