North-powered clients raise the stakes higher than ever in 2017 with new records

Months of preparation and weeks of anticipation culminated on Boxing Day for 102 yachts racing in the 2017 Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race. With wind speeds of 25-50 knots, sailors have to mentally prepare for a race as tough as this one from Sydney to Hobart, never forgetting the possibilities and unknown outcomes of their own fate. A legendary offshore race, the RSHYR puts sailors and their equipment to the ultimate test. The 73rd edition of the Rolex Sydney Hobart is one for the history (and record) books.
This year the meteorologist outlook provided a forecast that favored the big boats. A race of broad reaching and downwind sailing with a high probability for records to fall; a forecast suited for yachts built to sail off the wind. Competition was tough for boats in the 45-55 foot range, an “easy race” by historical standard, but by no means is the RSHYR ever easy. Starting out light around 10 knots then building to 25 in the Bass Strait and coast of Tasman, clients put 3Di to the test.
The top five boats and many in the fleet trusted North Sails 3Di to power their 628-mile adventure to Hobart. Being mostly a downwind race, 3Di launched the super-Maxis down the race track towards the finish line in Tasmania. LDV Comanche found her sweet spot using a full inventory of 3Di downwind, while Wild Oats XI and Black Jack have combined inventories of 3Di downwind and NPL gennakers.
Five boats finished within the race record of 1 day, 13 hours, and 31 minutes set by Perpetual Loyal in 2016. A controversial protest saw LDV Comanche replace the on the water winner Wild Oats XI as line honors winner and new record honor. A tough race win, and for all, a race by the rule book. The new race record is 1 day, 9 hours, 15 minutes, and 24 seconds.
Congratulations to Botin 52 Ichi Ban’s Matt Allen and crew for winning the overall corrected time Tattersall Trophy and having one of the fastest records for a boat their size in the history of the race.