Training Provided By Your Local Experts

North Sails Ireland had the pleasure of presenting their latest sail trim seminar at Howth YC last night for its members and guests. I counted over seventy people in the audience and my colleague Maurice "Prof" O'Connell took the lead backed up by Shane Hughes the newest member of the North Sails Team here in Ireland.
Both Maurice and Shane as well as being top level sailors are exceptional coaches both on and off the water. Not only do they know their subject inside out they have a really nice way of presenting that makes the complicated subject of sail trim understandable for expert and beginner alike.
One of the big features of the latest talk is the use of North Sails Trim simulator. Please take a look at the link to download your own copy to experiment with at home: North Sails Trim Simulator
This fantastic training tool was developed by Bill Gladstone and his Team at North U, the training and teaching arm of North sails. The simulator uses real information from the North Sails Design Suite to produce a really accurate presentation of the real changes to sail shapes when you make a change to the set up. You get to view the changes from on board and off the boat all in the comfort of your own home without getting your feet wet!
The North Sails Roadshow has been all over the country during the last few weeks and Prof is in action again this weekend in The Royal St George YC Saturday, March 2nd at 12pm. Then we are off to the East Antrim Boat Club on the following Wednesday, March 6th.
"Keep an eye out for a North Sails Talk near you! Sail Fast and have fun!"
-Nigel Young, North Sails Ireland