Congratulations Peter Beardsley, Rachel Beardsley and Simon Karstoft Jensen
North Sails Viper expert Zeke Horowitz caught up with Peter, Rachel and Simon for a quick interview to learn what worked for them including their trick of switching drives when going downwind.
It was our first time on the Vipers in the Cheasapeake Bay. We had a lot of confidence on our boat speed, we setup the boat to the North Tuning Guide and were really aggressive on sail trim…” – Peter Beardsley
The decisions, details, design work, and training create a unique DNA for each program. The die has been cast, and in many ways, the America's Cup is over before the trials commence.
Double Silver medallist Ian Walker gives us his perspective on the pressures when competing on the world stage and what to look out for in Marseille during the Paris Games.
North Sails is the long-time Performance Partner to the Bermuda Race. In this edition, North-powered boats took command of the leaderboard and claimed the coveted St. David’s Lighthouse trophy.