Landlocked? Cabin fever? Have not seen the sun in days? Many of us in the Northern Hemisphere are counting down the days until winter is over and we’re back on the water.
While we can’t put you on a plane and fly to warmer water, North Sails is serving up daydream-worthy reading through our Waterlogs. Our Waterlogs are a collection of stories from our cruising customers around the world. The stories range from cruising on a multihull in the Mediterranean with 3Di NORDAC to Tom and Susie Partridge who stopped by our loft in Sri Lanka en route to Cape Town, South Africa. Whether you’re a racer or a cruiser, we all appreciate stories about casting off the dock-lines and using the wind to power our journey.
We hope you enjoy reading these stories as much as we like receiving them. Just don’t let your boss catch you daydreaming!
2024 has been a massive year for sailing, with many giant leaps forward in many different aspects of the sport. And it has been a significant year for North Sails.
The winners of the DAME Design Awards, the most prestigious design competition in the marine industry, were announced this morning at the METSTRADE Show in Amsterdam.