What Defines A Quality Product?
North Sails stands behind our products. When you buy a North Cruising Sail, you can expect quality.
Your North Sail Will Fit Your Boat
This means all of the two-dimensional aspects of the sail (luff, leech, foot length, clew height and attachment offsets) will be right.
Your North Sail Will Have the Correct Shape
North Sails uses an extensive library of 3D shapes based upon wind speed and angles, yacht displacement, and performance criteria. North has the right tools and technology to generate a proper sail shape.
Your North Sail Will Function Correctly
Your sail will go up and down, furl in and out, and work as designed. Battens, luff slides, hardware, and compatibility with reefing systems will function properly.

North Sails Takes Pride in Our Workmanship
Seaming, stitching, hand sewing, installing grommets, rings, and attaching hardware are a key part of the overall quality of a sail. North Sails employs the industry’s best sailmakers, utilizes high quality equipment, and maintains high production standards.
North Sails Will Use the Right Materials
Sailcloth, tapes, webbings, thread, stainless steel rings, battens, ropes, cleats and hardware are all essential parts of your sail. North Sails sources and manufactures high-quality components.
North Sails Are Strong and Durable
North cruising sails are designed for the rigors of intensive and extended use, with high breaking strength, and resistance to flex, UV, and chafe fatigue – all essential components of cruising sail durability.

A Few Important Comments Regarding North Cruising Sails
When you buy a North cruising sail, a North Sails representative will measure your boat.If for logistical reasons, a North representative cannot measure your boat (for instance your boat is located too far from a sales or service center) we are unable to arrange a verified source of measurement information, North cannot always ensure the correct, fit, form or function of the sail. We are of course always ready and willing to assist our clients in obtaining the required information to avoid these problems.
Is the sail shape not what you anticipated? We have a powerful analytical tool for that: our Advanced Sail Analyzer software. This is the best way to objectively validate the three-dimensional shape of a sail.
Small bumps, wrinkles and leech hooking are inherent characteristics of any sail. While North Sails endeavors to produce the smoothest sails in the world, we cannot guarantee perfect smoothness across the entire sail. That said, don’t worry if you initially see more pronounced wrinkles and bumps on your sail’s surface – most significant wrinkles in sails are the result of adjustable parameters like batten tension or stiffness, improper fit, or hardware attachments. Your North representative will work with you to make sure your sail is set up correctly and as smooth as possible.
Naturally, we cannot guarantee the life of a sail that has been mistreated or misused. North recommends that all sails come in for an annual service and inspection. North offers this inspection for free during the first year of sail ownership. North expects its customers to protect their sails from the sun when not in use, to avoid flogging sails, and to tension their leech lines to prevent flutter. Failure to do so will needlessly shorten the life of your sail, and damage related to misuse or mistreatment is not covered by warranty. All service-related work should be performed at a North Sails certified sail care facility. Transport to and from our facility is the responsibility of the sail owner.
For specific information concerning warranty coverage, please consult your North Sails representative.