North Sails interviews Steve Hayden, 2017 Overall Winner of St. Petersburg NOOD Regatta
The St. Pete NOOD is the first NOOD event of the series with boats from all over the country coming together to sail in key locations along the east and west coast of the United States. At the end of the series, the overall winner from each event competes in the overall championship held in the British Virgin Islands later this season. After the regatta we had a chance to catch up with Steve and asked him some questions about his win at the NOOD.
Steve, how long have you been sailing the Lightning?
“Over 40 years.”
Have you ever crewed for your kids?
“Yes, almost as much as they’ve crewed for me.”
What would you say were the key factors to your win at the St. Pete NOOD?
“Patience and sticking with our game plan. I was also very confident in our North Sails and the setup we use.
And staying with some long-time friends…Mike and Junia Milvain.”
What is the most important thing to know about sailing a Lightning?
“That it’s a great boat with a great class of people who are willing to help you and include you. There is great competition because the boat is technical enough and challenging enough it attracts, and retains, many outstanding sailors of all ages.”
What was the funniest thing that happened on the water at the NOOD?
“Taking compass headings before one of the day’s races started. Pretty much wrote down the entire compass…”
Have you been to the BVI’s before? If not, how excited are you!?
“No. Very excited! Looking forward to it greatly! My Dad has been down a few times, so I’ve heard some great things. I’m sure it’s going to be a great time.”
In preparation for the championship in the BVI’s, what are the top three things you will focus on?
“Who is going with me…family and friends…I’ve been hearing from a lot of people I haven’t heard from in awhile for some reason.”
A new overall winner of the St. Pete NOOD, but Steve is no new face to the Lightning Class. Steve grew up sailing the Lightning and got his kids involved too. For Steve back at home, it’s just a family affair.
North Sails introduces Aerotech, a groundbreaking advancement in sailcloth, leveraging cutting-edge innovations from ultralight gliders, sport parachutes, and wind-driven sports like foiling kites and wings.
Italian sailor Giulio Desiderato is widely recognized as one of Europe’s top one-design sailors. He’s now taking his skills and applying them to Grand Prix sailing.
The North Sails seasonal sail care package will be available at select Safe Harbor locations starting today. This package includes a 10-point sail inspection, annual maintenance upgrades, and six months of storage in a North Sails Loft.