Your Team Has Moved To Auckland. Visit Our New Location, Open Now

North Sails Auckland is pleased to announce that it has combined its sales, service and sail-making functions into a single location, at its large loft in Auckland’s Wairau Valley. The Sales and Management team, including General Manager Richard Bicknell, Sales Manager Andrew Wills, and Sail Experts and Designers Matt Kelway, Derek Scott, Matt Smeaton, Matt Steven, Guy Hewson, Ben Costello, Burns Fallow and Magnus Doole, will all now be based out of the Glenfield loft at 217 Archers Road, which is already home to the Production, Service and One Design departments.
For the convenience of boat owners based at Westhaven, sails needing servicing can still be dropped off and collected from North’s partner company Rig Pro at Unit 2/1 Westhaven Drive.
The large Glenfield loft, opened in early 2016, has plenty of space for all North’s sail making and servicing, and will enable the sales and production teams to work more closely together.
The new facility was optimized to accommodate the needs of each department, from upwind finishing to one design to downwind production. The result is a modern, efficient space with flexible systems and a main sailmaking floor of around 1500 sq m, large enough to lay out a complete J Class or 100 foot maxi sail. In order to manage multiple projects simultaneously, the loft has an A-frame furling system that accommodates luff lengths up to 60 m, plus North’s signature rotating sewing pits.
Up to 16 sailmakers work on the floor, with a mezzanine area for the one design team. The Glenfield facility also houses the service department, where a team of up to eight works with sails coming in for service or recuts, organizing parts and taking care of the needs of visiting superyachts.
As part of the worldwide North Sails team, the Auckland loft benefits from both international experience and local knowledge, with a team of highly experienced sailors both on the floor and in the sales and design offices.