Continuous Scow Product Improvements Deliver Great Results

North Sails clients have been winning regattas on the MC, E, A, C Scow, and X Boat circuits for several decades, and just like the past years, we have had another great season to report. We continue to design, optimize our products and, most importantly, share our expertise so that you can achieve your sailing goals at the next regatta.
Just recently, North Sails Scow expert Allan Terhune won the prestigious Inland Championship in the MC Scow posting 4 bullets in the scoreboard. After our internal regatta, it was clear that it was the right time for an update from Scow country.
What Worked at the MC Scow Inlands
Allan credits his four bullets and overall victory at the MC Scow Inland Championship to a lot of homework beforehand. “The reason I was fast enough to win this regatta is that our sail-shape analyst Eric Doyle and I spent six months last winter working with the North design team. We ran numerous two-boat testing, and sail designer Mike Marshall used the collected data to combine with the North 3D design capabilities. The result was two fast sails, the Magnum and the Rocket. The Magnum is for light air, or for heavier teams and anyone who sails two-up. We redesigned our most popular sail, the Z-Max, and then smoothed out the panels. We also updated the cloth to a higher quality RSQ fabric that offers a different feel; it’s not as stiff and rigid.” And, of course, we published an updated Tuning Guide that shares everything they learned about how to set up the new sail.
The Rocket was a spin-off of the Z-One, and Allan says it’s ideal for heavy air and lighter teams. “We made a little shape change in the head, and now it’s much more forgiving. It’s pretty amazing how much difference it makes to get all the little details right.”
“When North Sails take control of a design program, we bring a lot more detail and precision to making sails faster. It’s refreshing, and we’ve got so many new ideas! We’re giving the Scows a higher level of attention and it’s very exciting. Welcome to the North Sails way – Let’s get faster!”

E Scow R&D Wins the Easterns
North is just finalizing three new designs after a similar intensive R&D in the E Scow. After sweeping the podium at the “Easterns,” class experts will release these hot new products this Fall. Second place finishers Chris Bigos and Colleen Obrien had North Sails E Scow experts Jeff Bonanni and Eric Doyle onboard to field-test the new mainsail, jib, and spinnaker. “We were very confident in our boatspeed,” Jeff said after the regatta. “Upwind is where we really excelled, especially when we were in good pressure. Downwind, we jumped lots of boats on jibes and were able to defend going into the leeward gates or finish line.”
“Our sail designer Mike Marshall put in a ton of time helping Jeff get these sails right,” Allan adds. “The whole team was involved. We’re bringing a fresh approach and attitude to this class, and we’ve been trying out different ways to make the boat faster. Meanwhile, if you just want to order new sails from the designs you already know and trust, we have those too!”
Success at the A Scow Inlands
Unlike the MC and E, the North’s A Scow inventory didn’t need as much updating—because the current designs are fast and continue to dominate. “The boat that won the Inlands used a 2-year-old 3Di RAW mainsail, showing the superior quality of the 3Di technology. The A boats are so cool and modern looking! It makes to have modern technology sails on such a high-tech design—they just fit the boat right.”
Fastest Design at the C Scow Nationals
In the C Scow, Cam McNeil won the 2021 Nationals using the same North design that has powered National champs for countless years. “The North I-1 Gold mainsail is a design that C Scow sailors know and trust. It has been the fastest mainsail over the years and it’s still the fastest. Why would you choose a different design?” Cam finished the 6-race series at the Nationals with only 8 points and three bullets. A solid victory over many experienced sailors.
X Boat Designs
Much like the other Scows, the X Boat sails you know and trust are available from North Sails. Our designs have been winning X Boat regattas for years and we are ready to make you SAIL FAST!
Whatever Scow you sail, we hope you had as much fun this summer as the North Sails experts. Please contact your North Sails expert for the fastest sails for your boat.