Our Australia team is busy with sail modifications and inspections to prepare clients for the 73rd Sydney to Hobart

The Sydney - Hobart is a bit different to preparing for any other event, just due to the type of weather that boats will see in the race. So a big part of it for us, whether it be on the smaller 30' yacht or all the way up to
Wild Oats,
Black Jack or one of the 100' footers, we are always just trying to get out with our clients and assess their heavy weather sail options. Making sure their mainsail reefing system works well and that the sails are not going to let them down in any way is very important for their success during Sydney-Hobart. The reason we do this is that the boat can sail all year out of Sydney, up and down the East Coast and never have to reef but guaranteed in the Sydney - Hobart race it is mandatory to have a reef, and to make sure it works and the crew knows how to use it. If not the first afternoon, then sometime during the first night this opportunity will arise, so our job in the lead up is to focus on making sure the boats are well prepared for the things that they wouldn't normally think to do.
Our loft in Sydney is running 15 hour days getting all the boats and equipment ready. People have last minute service jobs on their sails that need sorting before they depart the dock.
Wild Oats tore her spinnaker this week in the SOLAS big boat race so that is on its way in to be fixed up. Once the boats arrive in Hobart we have a loft called 42 South Marine, which will be ready to assist teams. They stay busy doing a lot of service work and repairs as the boats arrive into Hobart in order to get them turned around and back on their way. In slight contrast to us, our service teams in Hobart are down there from December 29th through January 5th to assist all incoming and outgoing race teams.
Contact our local team today to make sure your sails are in tip-top condition to take on Sydney-Hobart.